Don Bosco College has been serving the rural and poor people since 2007 and enormously seeking for the upliftment of poor and down trodden people in Dharmapuri and Krishnagiri districts. With the help of local leaders, the service to the needy has been carried out. As a result, young people join the College studies and become self-sustainable and self-reliant. Many of our students had been employed by various companies and now they have become economically sound and self-sustainable.
The undertaking of the DBC Extension Activities launched the new name for its service called AKKAM in order to broaden its work through five major schemes and they are
(1) Bodhi Maram – educating the children,
(2) Vizhudhugal – adopting villages,
(3) Go Green – maintaining eco-friendly environment,
(4) Entrepreneurship – creating awareness for self job makers, and
(5) Don Bosco Vazhikatti – career guidance and job trainings.
Extension Activities
The following Extension Activites of the College are accomplished towards the development of the rural and poor communities in and around Dharmapuri district.
Child Sponsorship: Programme for destitute children has been initiated. Currently, 3 such children are been sponsored.
Dropout Prevention Centres: There are 30 dropout prevention centres that cater to 743 children helping them to continue their studies.
Self-Help Groups: There are 194 women self help groups operating in 5 Federations, catering to 2,910 families enhancing their standard of living.
Child Protection Services (Juvenile Homes): Child protection committees are operative in 14 of the villages we reach out. Child Line India Foundation organized an NGO consultancy meeting.
Noon-Meal Scheme: The most deserving 75 students who come from remote villages are assisted with noon meal on all working days.
Modern Canteen: The work towards construction of the canteen was started on 31st Jan 2011 with the contribution of a local donor.
Towards Employment: Driving license is been procured for students who like to be employed.
Grain Bank: For the destitute widows in the neighboring villages, food grain is collected from our students and distributed once a month.
Micro Credit: Through the self-help groups a sum of Rs. 40 lakhs has been distributed.
Career Guidance in Schools: 32 schools benefiting over 14,000 students towards study methods and career advancement.
Career Mela: As a follow up of the school visit over 2000 students who are appearing for the public exams gathered at the Don Bosco College to synergize all the their efforts towards successful completion of their exams and receive guidance regarding their career options.
Cooperative Stores: Stationery and Educational materials are made available for students with the help of the Self-Help groups.